How to cancel a hang task in vCenter or ESXi host?

Recently my customer wanted to cancel a "creating a snapshot" task. The task was created by backup application. Unfortunately the cancel option was greyed so wow to cancel it? I will show this in the following post. At first you have to investigate where a hang process exists (Clicking summary tab on VM). Then: Log… Read More »

The content ID of the parent virtual disk does not match the corresponding parent content ID in the child.

Recently I have worked again and again on the following issue: Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/4a496b4g-eceda1-19-542b-000cfc0097g5/virtualmachine/virtualmachine-000002.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. Reason: The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created.   My customer was not able to power on a virtual machine. As mentioned in the following… Read More »

SRM replicated datastores with the snap prefix

I've done many SRM implementations since version 1.x and always there was the same "esthetic" problem: SRM renames replicated datastore with the snap prefix after recovery. Fortunately since SRM 5.x it is possible to change the behavior via GUI: The option is not checked by default so I recommend to check it. To access the… Read More »