When I install and configure Site Recovery Manager (SRM) for my customers, I often configure some advanced settings that let me avoid cosmetic errors or recovery failure. This post covers those advanced settings. To change advanced settings using vSphere or Web Client, please follow a post here.
Advanced Setting | Default Value | My Value | Description |
Recovery.powerOffTimeout | 300 | 600 | Change the timeout for guest OS to power off. |
Recovery.powerOnTimeout | 120 | 300 | Change the timeout to wait for VMware Tools when powering on virtual machines. |
StorageProvider.fixRecoveredDatastoreNames | Not checked | Checked | Force removal, upon successful completion of a recovery, of the snap-xx prefix applied to recovered datastore names. |
StorageProvider.hostRescanRepeatCount | 1 | 3 | Repeat host scans during testing and recovery. |
StorageProvider.hostRescanTimeoutSec | 300 | 600 | Change the interval that Site Recovery Manager waits for each HBA rescan to complete |
Storage.commandTimeout | 300 | 600 | Change timeout in seconds for executing an SRA command. |
Note: By design, during an upgrade, SRM does not retain any advanced settings that you configured in the previous installation. Some advanced settings may require unprotect VM and protect it again because its apply only to virtual machines that you protect after you changed the settings. Please always follow documentation to a SRM version that you configure as VMware likes adding or changing some advanced settings.